Welcome To Love

Cover picture of the book love, simplified
Shmaya David the writer standing looking at the camera wearing a white shirt and a black tie

Love is beautiful. Love is majestic. Love may be the best things that humans, as a species, ever came up with. It makes us happy, brave, generous. It gives our life meaning. It comforts us in our darker moments and lifts us to the heights of joy when we allow it. 

And sometimes it does not. Sometimes love is difficult to handle, difficult to grasp. Sometimes we don’t find the words, or say the wrong words. Sometimes we try to do right and end up hurting the person we love. Sometimes we just mess-up, no excuses, or our loved-one does. Sometimes it feels like true love may be too hard to sustain, and that there will come an inevitable decline.

Is this something you face? 
I want to help.

I have discovered that there is a very sound and practical, almost scientific theory that explains why some people succeed in love and relationships while others live with constant nagging disappointment. I have developed a simple method, based upon sound, time-proven principles, that anybody can adopt and use to bring love into his or her life, grow it, sustain it, and make it into the hearth fire that fuels a life of happiness and fulfillment.

The book I wrote about it, Love, Simplified: Practical Habits to Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationship.” can now be found on Amazon. If you haven’t yet read it, I suggest that you do so now, and than come back here and use the resources I created to assist my readers develop their abilities to become true “Masters” in love.

You can also join the Facebook page that I created to have an ongoing discussion with my readers and others on these subject.

Shmaya David, March 2020.

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